domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester -(English)- Hugo Awards 1953

The Best Novell of 1953 by Hugo Awards was 
The Demolished Man of Alfred Bester.


The history take place in the year 2032 in the city of New York.
In the future wrote by Alfred Bester the world was full of "Espers", people able to read minds in different levels of deep. 

The "Espers" are presents in that society in different roles, from sales man in a book store to read the mind of the customers and offer the best gift option...and policeman with the target to solve crimes.

No all humans have this gift, of read minds, and between the "Espers" there are different levels of power: Level 1, 2 and 3. In the Level 1: the "Esper" have the major power to read minds, and its able to  read the sub concious layer of other person.

In this society, the premeditated murders was eliminated, since an "Esper"always manages to realize his intention before you are able to kill someone. But a billionaire man, troubled by nightmaresplan and execute a murder, and from this the whole story will follow at a pace of a thriller.


Ben Reich:
Millionaire owner of a mega company: Monarch. Disturbed by constant nightmares with a faceless man, thinks he has a special killer instinct .

Lincoln Powell:
Police responsible for investigating a murder case. And a Level 1 Esper.


After you read the book this music will make sense to you :)

Eight, sir; seven, sir;
Six, sir; five, sir;
Four, sir; three, sir;
two, sir; one!
'Tenser,' said the Tensor.
'Tenser,' said the Tensor.
'Tension, apprehension,
And dissension have begun.'

My Opinion:

From 0 to 10 my note here is 7.

The book caught my attention many times, and in very few parts was exhausting to read. But still it was not surprising, and at many points seemed naive and superficial.
Furthermore, the final could be better.

To read:

Download here the e-pub from my Google Drive:

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